When Grace City moved into the neighborhood we surrendered our hearts to one simple vision…that we would live like Jesus and love like Jesus, every day. Since day one of opening our doors we’ve made room for everyone to be welcome and wanted. In all our time together we’ve been able to see God build His church in the most unexpected places. But how do we make more room for that in our lives?
The Build Your Church initiative isn’t about money; it’s not about a building…it’s about Grace City making room to say, “Jesus, Build Your Church wherever we go, every day” together. It’s an invitation to push back the gates of hell for generations to come.
In order to continue our mission to help strangers become friends and friends become family, we need a bigger space for our kids and growing community. We’re really looking forward to sharing our plan to do this throughout our Build Your Church campaign.
Grace City, what we’re asking will have the potential to leave a legacy that will outlast us all.. We’re asking that you join us in leaning into this promise found in Matthew 16:18 and make room for God to build his church.
Grace Lives Here,
Pastor T & Pastor J