Through a church sanctioned volunteer program, we are committed to supporting the homeless and less fortunate in the community by ‘living like Jesus and loving like Jesus’ and providing food and other necessities on a weekly basis.
“Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor.” - Proverbs 22:9 NLT
Who and where we serve:
Homeless and nutritionally at risk
We currently serve between 30 and 40 each Sunday.
Each week 3 are nutritionally at risk and in a motel.
The rest are on the streets, in the woods or living in a car.
Eustis and surrounding area. Currently we have four stops.
What services we provide:
A hot meal.
Two sandwiches.
Drinks Gatorade, pouch or box drinks and water to go and a hot or cold drink to go with the hot meal.
Socks and under wear.
Cold weather protection (blankets, tents, coats and hooded sweatshirts).
Hygiene packs that include deodorant, tooth paste and a brush, shampoo, hand cream, Band-Aids, Kleenex candy treats bug spray in the summer, razors and calamine lotion.
Staples: a protein, a vegetable, a soup and toilet paper.
Blessing bags: Fruit cup, pudding cup, soft breakfast bars, trail mix, cookies and candy.
Paying for prescribed medications when needed.
Visiting the homeless in the hospital.
Helping the homeless find housing alternatives and providing furnishings when possible and needed.
Connecting veterans with help from the VA.
Six volunteers serve the homeless each Sunday. There is a cadre of fifteen volunteers who do this.
Four to five volunteers supply hot casseroles each Sunday.
Volunteers make 40 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches each week.
Three to five volunteers make ten deli sandwiches each week.
One volunteer makes 40 hygiene bags twice a month.
Two volunteers make up 40 blessing, snack bags each week.
Volunteers help provide special meals on holidays.
For more information on how you can help, please contact Nan Parker at nancparker01@gmail.com or 352_602-9200.