Exceptionally Blessed is our disability ministry within Grace City Church. It is part of our values to make everyone feel welcome and wanted and happens every Sunday at 10:30am.
Exceptionally Blessed is our disability ministry within Grace City Church. It is part of our values to make everyone feel welcome and wanted. We understand the difficulties and challenges that families face when one or more members have a disability and our heart is to make experiencing church easy and accessible.
We offer support to families living with a disability diagnosis by providing care in the Exceptionally Blessed classroom during our 10:30am Sunday service so parents and caregivers can attend church service and worship without worry or distraction. Our sensory classroom has many toys, stories and activities for children to play and interact with. Our teachers have experience working with children with Special Needs, either as professionals or parents.
On Wednesday nights, Exceptionally Blessed is open alongside Grace City Kids Club. Our teachers are experienced working with children with special needs and help them participate in crafts, a bible story and play time outside.
For more information, please contact Tracy Ahearn at tahearn@wearegrace.city
Buddy Break is a free kids/respite program where children with special needs (VIP kids) make new friends, play fun games, enjoy crafts, therapy dogs, stories, music activities, and more!