Day 11

Matthew 19:13-15Psalm 78:4-6

In Matthew 9:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 

Jesus wants to connect with kids just as much as He wants to connect with us. In fact, there’s a lot we can learn from kids about faith when we welcome them as Jesus did. 

Our kids ministry exists so children can experience Jesus on their level. At GCC, children from birth through fifth grade come to a safe environment with age-appropriate, creative, and fun Bible teaching. It’s a place where relationships with other kids and leaders can be established. 

The goal is that kids would be engaged, have fun, and be excited about church. By making a space for kids, we’re making a way for kids to come to know all the reason we love God and He loves them.  


  • Each week, volunteers sing, dance, play, and teach kids about Jesus. Who are some of the people who invested in you as a kid? Thank God for them. 

  • What are some reasons you can be thankful for our kids ministry? If you have kids, ask them what they are thankful for. If you don’t have kids, think about how GCC is influencing kids throughout our church or families you know. 

  • How does it feel to know that God loves and welcomes kids? What does that tell you about His character?


  • When you think of kids, your own or someone else’s, what comes to mind? Do you get stressed and annoyed, or do you find yourself smiling and filled with love?

  • Is there anything about your attitude toward kids that needs to change to align with Jesus’ heart for kids?

  • What’s been your experience with our kids ministry? Is there anyone that you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from?


  • It takes dozens of adults every week to make our kids ministry happen. Ask God to call adults into our kids ministry. Ask Him specifically if it is what’s next for you. 

  • How might your community look different if more people knew Jesus and started following Him as children? Ask God to bring kids to a saving understanding of who Jesus is through the lessons they experience at GCC. 


  • Who are the kids in your life? Whether you birthed them, adopted them, or love them as your own, when’s the last time you asked God what He would have you pray for your kids? Before they were “ours,” they were His. Sit for a minute and wait for the Lord to speak to you about the kids you love. 

Thomas Blevins